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Waste sorting


Les usagers (particuliers et professionnels résidant sur la communauté de communes Dronne et Belle) peuvent accéder à n’importe quelle déchèterie du secteur du SMCTOM.

L’accès à la déchèterie pour les particuliers habitant sur le territoire Dronne et Belle (résidences secondaires y compris) est gratuit et se fait : 

Valeuil – Rue Jean Mermoz et Mareuil – 279 rue des artisans, Chez Noillac

  • Mardi, mercredi, jeudi, vendredi : 9h – 16h

  • Samedi : 8h-12h

Attention, du 15 juin au 15 septembre : 

  • Du mardi au samedi : 7h – 14h

  • Samedi : 8h-12h

Ce qu’il faut savoir avant de se rendre en déchetterie


Comment obtenir mon badge en deux étapes ?

1 – Je créé mon compte sur le site de ECOCITO (munis d’un justificatif de domicile de moins de 3 mois)

ou en cliquant ICI

2 – Je reçois ensuite mon badge par courrier. 


Vous avez besoin d’aide ? Merci de nous écrire à l’adresse suivante :


Green Dot sorting information is the signage, offered by Citeo, that companies can affix to their packaging in order to issue the correct sorting instruction to their consumers.



The TRIMAN is, since January 1, 2015, the reference logo to indicate that a product is recyclable. Unlike the green dot, it informs the consumer that the packaging falls under a sorting instruction.

Below is the prohibited waste for your garbage can ! 


- Batteries, batteries or bulbs: you can recycle them through specialized channels. There are also many collection points in supermarkets.

- Expired medicines: they must be brought back to the pharmacy in order to have theassurance  that they are redirected to a specialized destruction channel

- The waste of'electronic equipment: there are dedicated channels for this type of waste. You can bring them back to a distributor who has the obligation to collect your old device. You can also donate it to an association, drop it off at a recycling center or at collection points provided for this purpose. Some mobile operators collect your old phone from the store to refurbish it or donate it to an association.

- Edible oils: they can be thrown into your ordinary bin in small quantities, but it is preferable to deposit them in specialized collection points.

- Motor oils and other vehicle oilsIdanger: you can dispose of them at specific collection points, at a garage or in dedicated collection bins.

- The tyres: they must be taken to a garage or to a recycling centre. Feel free to to call, your mechanic in advance to be sure that'it takes the old tires well.


By depositing your waste in the right place, you contribute to the protection of the environment. You also contribute to the proper functioning of your municipal facilities and to the safety of the employees who work there.

In the yellow terminals:

  • plastic packaging

  • metal packaging

  • the little boxes

  • food bricks

  • newspapers, journals and magazines

Attention, the yellow bag will soon no longer be authorized. Use a box or a large reusable bag to transport your packaging, which will be placed loose in the terminal.



In the green terminals, the glass in the form:

  • pots

  • jars

  • bottles

  • bottles

The glass is to be removed without lid or stopper. Plastic objects (toys, dishes, etc.) cannot be recycled and must be taken to the recycling center.


The bio-waste:

Les meal leftovers (bread, leftover plates, etc.), but also les meal preparation leftovers-bb0-c335-cc75419 -136bad5cf58d_ (peelings, eggshells, etc.) must be placed in a composter if you have an outdoor space.

If you do not have one, solutions exist (composting at the foot of a building, composting in a neighborhood or a village, vermicomposting, etc.)



All waste which is not recyclable and which cannot be composted, must be deposited locked in black bags in the terminals or bins provided for household waste.


Bulky waste:

Bulky waste may or may not be recyclable, but in all cases,  they must be dropped off free of charge at the recycling center  closest to you.

Go to the recycling center if you have polystyrene (EPS) or large volume cardboard, clothing or accessories, furniture, electrical and electronic appliances (WEEE) but also treated wood or metals. Plants are also accepted for what cannot be valued in your garden.

Hazardous waste:

Hazardous waste must not be deposited in the black bags but  must be deposited at the recycling center. They will then be treated in a specific way by incineration or by dismantling and then recycling.

Go to the recycling center   to drop off all your used oils, whether food or waste. To store all chemicals (paints, solvents, acids, etc.), phytosanitary products, X-rays and used syringes, etc., as well as batteries, light bulbs and neon lights. 

What are the good gestures of tri ?

You sometimes have doubts when sorting. Do not panic ! Here are 3 easy-to-apply Tri-flexes!

  • No need to wash your packaging, just empty them well! Bricks of milk or soup, pizza boxes, tins (tomato sauce, etc.), jars (terrine, jam, etc.) recycling ; if you wash them you are wasting water which must then be treated.


  • No need to remove the cap on the plastic bottle, it can also be recycled. And in general, small packaging elements can be sorted with their main packaging because they do not interfere with the recycling process. --> Examples: staples and tape on paper gifts, metal spirals on notebooks or plastic windows on envelopes.


  • Do not nest the packaging together and do not enclose it in plastic bags --> The packaging must be placed loose in the bins so as not to interfere the separation between materials that takes place in sorting centres.


And if you want to know what happens to the packaging after your sorting action, go to

What is the signage?


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Contrary to popular belief, the Green Dot does not mean that the packaging is recyclable. It means that the company that sells this product participates financially in the collection, sorting and recycling of packaging. The Green Dot was created in France more than 20 years ago as part of Extended Producer Responsibility.


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